Tuesday 12 June 2018

We visited Jollyes Pet Shop!

As part of our world of work week, P1 visited Jollyes pet shop. We had a brilliant time meeting the different animals and reptiles. 

Friday 8 June 2018


 The boys and girls have been learning all about symmetry today. We matched up symmetrical pictures on the smart board and then created symmerical butterflies at our table. Then we decorated biscuits and tried to make the pattern symmetrical!

Monday 4 June 2018

At science club, Lacey and Penny were blowing up balloons without using their mouths. They used vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to cause a reaction which would cause a build up of pressure inside the bottle.

Thursday 24 May 2018

STEM Challenge- What can we build to help the gingerbread man across the water?

The children worked with a partner to design a structure that would help the gingerbread man get across the river safely. They had lots of different materials to choose from.

 Lacie and Kayla designed a bridge using the cubes.
 Charlie designed a boat with a special seating area for the gingerbread man!

 Jack and Reece designed a boat and a trampoline using the Lego big bricks

 Mason designed a boat using the stickle bricks.

 Mohammed and Hanan designed a bridge using the jigsaw pieces.
 Yousif  designed a bridge using Lego.
 Jasmine and Nicola designed a bridge using the lego.
 Eela designed a bridge using the building blocks.
Ava McPhie designed a bridge using construction cubes also.